
Blank cavas

Gift and gift points (in a nutshell!)

#1: Overall

About gifts

The gift is means as a thank you for commissioning, and helping me spread my works - so it is just simple as it is.
Not neccessary who do it XD, there can be maximum extra 3 person (include you makes it 4) that commissioned me at least once before in the piece.

#2: Proceed

The points from my commissioners are like vouchers that always left in the store to use
(Once commission point is already used, it won't be counted in anymore tho)

'each 3rd count' you commission me you will get an extra art:
- If you are alone then the art is just 1 character you request
- If you got to know me through my previous commissioner(s), you can proceed with your own request or can ask to get a group art with them (maximum 3 extra person)

#2: If you are confused:

Alice commissioned me alot, you can take her as an example!
- Each 3rd time she commission i'll give her a gift art.
- She also introduced me to her friends and they also commissioned me (Bytrius 1 time and Joshaby 1 time, plus their group art - the re:Zero one) so i also count them in and make them the extra art right below!

All in all, if you are confused just leave it to me! I'll count it for you (and you already had the access to my commissioning dox while commisioning), so you will know for sure about this ^^